Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu came out in strong defence of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday, condemning the derogatory remarks made by BJP and Shiv Sena leaders against the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha. Sukhu accused the ruling party of engaging in political mudslinging and using unconstitutional language to target Gandhi, who he described as a leader representing millions of disillusioned Indians.

Speaking at a press conference, CM Sukhu criticized the BJP’s rhetoric and called on its top leadership to intervene and curb such irresponsible behaviour. “In my personal capacity and on behalf of the Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee, I strongly denounce the derogatory and unconstitutional language used against Rahul Gandhi,” Sukhu said. “Such remarks do not strengthen the democratic setup of our country but instead weaken it. The BJP High Command must act swiftly and rein in these outspoken leaders.”

Sukhu further emphasized Gandhi’s stature within Indian politics, stating, “Rahul Gandhi is one of the most respected leaders in the country. His visionary leadership has not only strengthened the Congress Party but has also upheld the core values of social unity and inclusiveness. He is the voice of millions who are dissatisfied with the authoritarian policies of the BJP government.”

The Chief Minister didn’t hold back in his critique of Union Minister of State Ravneet Bittu, who he claimed had shifted allegiances for political gain. “Minister Bittu, who once praised Rahul Gandhi while representing Congress, has now compromised his moral values in his pursuit of power. He seems to be more focused on securing a Rajya Sabha berth within the BJP rather than standing up for the welfare of the people,” Sukhu asserted. He added, “This is a clear example of how some politicians are willing to abandon their principles for personal ambition.”

Calling for respect in political discourse, Sukhu stated, “Every political entity in a democracy has the right to agree or disagree, but it is essential that dignity and respect are maintained in public dialogue. Mud-slinging in the name of political advantage will only tarnish the democratic ethos we all hold dear.”

Sukhu highlighted Rahul Gandhi’s efforts to promote unity through his ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra,’ which he described as a movement aimed at spreading peace and harmony. “Rahul Gandhi has been continuously raising his voice against the oppressive and anti-people policies of the BJP government. His Bharat Jodo Yatra has inspired millions by spreading the message of peace and unity across the country,” Sukhu remarked. He suggested that Gandhi’s growing popularity is causing frustration within the BJP ranks. “It’s evident that BJP leaders are perplexed and unable to digest Rahul Gandhi’s rising influence, which is why they are resorting to such language merely to gain media attention,” he added.

Recalling the sacrifices of the Gandhi family, Sukhu reminded the nation of the contributions of former Prime Ministers Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. “The world has not forgotten the sacrifices made by the Gandhi family for India’s welfare. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi laid down their lives to ensure the peace and integrity of this country,” Sukhu stated. “The BJP should stop trying to tarnish the legacy of a family that has given so much to the nation.”

In a pointed message to the BJP, Sukhu advised its leaders to stop engaging in mudslinging in their quest for power. He called on them to refrain from using undemocratic language against Rahul Gandhi, who, according to Sukhu, has emerged as a leader for the poor and underprivileged, and continues to stand for national unity.