Concerns have emerged over the quality of pipes used in irrigation schemes across Himachal Pradesh, prompting the Jal Shakti Department to start a probe. Allegations of substandard materials and improper installations have raised questions about the procurement process and the functionality of these projects.

In the Kyaar-Kamah area of Shimla, serious flaws were discovered during water testing. Pipes burst at several locations, and chambers built to support the system collapsed. Reports revealed that smaller pipes of 2.5 inches were installed instead of the prescribed 5 to 6-inch pipes. Many pipes were left exposed rather than being buried, which worsened their condition and led to further damage.

The Jal Shakti Department sent a team to inspect the affected sites. Engineers, including the superintendent and Executive Engineers, visited the area and confirmed multiple issues. Officials assured residents that damaged pipes would be replaced with new ones to ensure the scheme’s functionality.

The concerns are not limited to this project alone. Similar issues have been reported in other irrigation schemes across the state, raising fears of widespread negligence. Several projects have stalled as pipes burst during trials and chambers failed under minimal pressure. The use of substandard materials has disrupted essential water supply projects, causing frustration among farmers and residents.

The Chief Engineer has confirmed that an investigation is underway. He assured that strict action would be taken against those found responsible for negligence. Contractors and officials involved in the procurement and execution of these schemes are likely to face scrutiny.

Public outrage has grown as more irregularities come to light. Residents are demanding accountability and better quality control in future projects. The state government now faces the challenge of rectifying these issues and restoring public confidence in its irrigation initiatives.