Shimla: To tackle the situation arisen due to Coronavirus, the State Government claiming of ensuring to provide every possible assistance during the lockdown period. The state government has set up control rooms in all the states of country so that anyone in need can call for help.
Detail of Control room with numbers
Andhra Pradesh-9440484879 and 08662488000, Arunachal Pradesh-0360-2005159, 0360-2005160 and 09436074396, Assam-0361-2237219, 2217786 and 0361-2237011 (Fax), Bihar-0612-2217305 and 0612-2217786 (Fax), Chhattisgarh-0771-2221242 and 0771- 2223471, Goa-2419439 and 2419444, Gujrat-079-23251900 and 079-23251509, Haryana-0172-2711925 and 0172-2545938, Jammu and Kashmir-0194-2477261, 2455165 and 2484837, Jharkhand-0651-2446923, 2400218 and 0651-2446923 (Fax), Karnataka-080-22032416/1070 and 080-22340676 (Fax), Kerala-0471-2364424, 0471-2331639 and 0471-2333198 (Fax), Madhya Pradesh-0755-2441419 and 0755-2440032 (Fax), Maharashtra-022-22027990, 022-22025274 and 022-22026712 (Fax), Manipur-0385-2450301, Meghalaya-0364-2502098 and 2225669, Mizoram-0389-2342520 and 0389-2306518 (Fax), Nagaland-0370-2291120, 2291122 and 08731009677, New Delhi-1077, Odisha-0674- 2395398, 0674- 2534177 and 0674-2391871 (Fax), Punjab-0172-2749901, Rajasthan-0141-2227296, 0141-5110869 and 0141-2227230 (Fax), Sikkim-03592-201145 and 03592-201075 (Fax), Tamil Nadu-044-28593990, 044-8592921 (Fax), 044-28414553, 044-28550867 (Fax) and 044-28528745, Telangana-040-23454088, Tripura-0381-2416045 and 0381- 2418053, Uttar Pradesh-0522-2237515 and 2238084 (Fax), Uttarakhand-0135-2710334, 6555523, 2710232, 2710081, 09557444486 and 0135-2710335 (Fax) and West Bengal-033-22143526 and 033-22144005(F).
Besides this, the control room numbers of Himachal Pradesh are 0177-2622204, 0177-2628940, 2629688, 2629939 and 0177-2621154 (Fax) and people who need any kind of assistance in the State can call at these numbers.
The state government has made a toll-free number 1077 functional. Govt has also set up disaster control rooms in all districts of the State which are named as Emergency Operation Centers and migrants living in different parts of the State who need assistance in the form of food and shelter can call at this number.