Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur presented the supplementary demand for grants amounting to Rs 6736.56 crore for the year 2019-2020 in the Vidhan Sabha.
The supplementary budget 2019-20 will be passed by the House tomorrow. This includes Rs 3,950.88 crore under the Non-Plan head, Rs 904.37 crore under Plan and Rs 1,881.31 crore under Centrally sponsored schemes.

Under the Non-Plan Expenditure, a sum of Rs. 3439 crores have been provided for repayment of Ways & Means Advance and Overdraft, Rs. 111.37 crores for disposal of land compensation, arbitration cases and compensatory afforestation amount, Rs. 80.40 crores for Himachal Road Transport Corporation, the establishment of Himachal Pradesh Transport Infrastructure Development Fund and Grants-in-Aid to Ropeway and Rapid Transport System Development Corporation, Rs. 75.66 crores for payments to Anganwari Workers, Mini Anganwari Workers, Anganwari Helpers, social security pension and medical reimbursement of retirees. Rs. 50 crores to HPPTCL, Rs. 39.98 crore for tariff rollback subsidy to HPSEB, Rs. 31.96 crores to Election department and Rs. 31.95 crore for assistance to Animal Husbandry Department for Govansh and to Health and Family Welfare Department for 108- Ambulance Services.
Major expenditure proposed under the Plan Schemes include Rs. 200 crore to HPPTCL, Rs. 153.53 crores for construction of roads, bridges and buildings, Rs. 148.31 crore for Bhanupalli-Bilaspur-Beri Rail Line and battery-operated electric buses in Shimla town.
Besides, Rs. 98.28 crores is proposed for investment in Shimla Jal Prabandhan Nigam Limited and for construction works of various sewerage schemes, Rs. 55.47 crores for construction of buildings of Health and Family Welfare Department, Rs. 55.46 crores to Kaushal Vikas Nigam, Rs. 30 crores to Agriculture University, Rs. 27.99 crores for operational activities of Airports in the State, preparation of DPRs of Tourism Infrastructure Development Project and construction of heliports, Rs. 27.98 crores under Scheduled Castes Sub-Plan for National Rural Drinking Water Project, construction of multipurpose community anganwari centres, rural roads and bridges, Rs. 22.41 crores for works in Himachal Pradesh Secretariat and land acquisition for State Bhawan/State Guest House at Dwarka, Delhi and Rs. 21.46 crores for construction of roads and buildings in tribal area etc.
Under Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Supplementary demand is proposed for funding ongoing or new schemes for which money has been received from the Government of India. Prominent among these are: Rs. 1023. 96 crores for various relief works under “National Disaster Response Fund”, ` 518 .92 crores for Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojna and Rs. 177.67 crores for Flood Management Programme