Shimla: The Vigilance Department has intensified its probe into the alleged water supply scam in Theog, Shimla district, involving irregularities in payments for drinking water supplied through tankers. On Monday, seven suspended officials of the Jal Shakti Department and a contractor were questioned at the Vigilance Headquarters in Shimla. Additional questioning of other individuals is scheduled for Tuesday.

The Vigilance team has seized important records from both the SDM office in Theog and the Vigilance Department itself. Officials also inspected the water source cited by the contractor to verify claims about the water supply. ASP Vigilance Narveer Singh Rathore, who is leading the investigation, emphasized the team’s focus on collecting comprehensive evidence to identify all those involved.

The case came to light after allegations surfaced that payments were made for water supplies that never occurred. Furthermore, it was revealed that some vehicle registration numbers submitted for water tanker services belonged to motorcycles and cars, raising suspicions of fraud.

Also Read: Theog Water Supply Scam

In response to the allegations, the state government suspended 10 officials from the Jal Shakti Department, including two executives, three assistants, four junior officials, and a retired junior engineer. One of the suspended individuals has since passed away. The government has taken strict cognizance of the issue and entrusted the Vigilance Department with the investigation.

The alleged scam dates back to February to June of the previous year when Theog experienced severe drought. The Jal Shakti Department contracted water supply services via tankers to address the crisis. However, reports suggest that water was not delivered to several areas despite payments being made, sparking concerns of widespread corruption.

The Vigilance Department is currently conducting a preliminary inquiry. If evidence of corruption is established, a formal case will be registered. Officials remain tight-lipped about the findings due to the ongoing investigation.