Shimla – In a recent development, a cloud of suspicion hovers over the list of teachers selected for an exposure visit to Singapore, with allegations suggesting potential irregularities in the selection process. The trip aimed to allow educators to witness and understand the advancements in the field of education in Singapore, fostering the exchange of knowledge and expertise.

Concerns have been raised about the criteria used to choose teachers for this opportunity, and there are allegations of favouritism and impropriety. Critics argue that there is a suspicion of sending teachers with lower marks in the selection merit abroad, questioning the integrity of the Directorate of Higher Education’s decision-making process.

A formal complaint has been filed with Education Minister Rohit Thakur and Education Secretary Rakesh Kanwar, prompting an immediate response from the authorities. Education Minister Thakur assured a thorough investigation into the matter. He emphasized that the government has established clear guidelines for selecting teachers for international exposure visits, and any deviation from these rules would be thoroughly examined.

According to the Education Minister, the government adheres to a stringent selection process that considers various parameters to ensure the competence and expertise of the chosen educators. He asserted that if any discrepancies are found, appropriate action will be taken to rectify the situation and uphold the transparency and fairness of the selection process.

The controversy revolves around the list of 99 teachers scheduled for the second phase of the exposure visit to Singapore in April. Questions have arisen about the selection criteria, with allegations suggesting that teachers with higher merit were overlooked in favour of those with lower scores.

In the initial phase, 101 teachers undertook the exposure visit to Singapore, returning with valuable insights and experiences. However, the current controversy has cast a shadow over the entire initiative, raising doubts about the credibility of the Education Department’s selection process.

It is worth noting that Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu initiated the program to send teachers abroad on exposure visits to enhance the quality of education in the state. Teachers who participate in the program are slated to receive appointments in excellence schools upon their return. The government has stressed the importance of developing leadership skills among principals and headmasters, along with providing training in innovative teaching techniques during these international exposure visits.