The Himachal Pradesh government will initiate the process of revising the Below Poverty Line (BPL) family list in April 2025, with Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu emphasizing transparency and fairness. The new guidelines for BPL identification will be finalized by January 5, 2025, and shared with the public in Gram Sabha meetings scheduled for the same month.

Chief Minister Sukhu, while presiding over a review meeting of the Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, directed officials to include only deserving families in the revised BPL list. To achieve this, a two-member committee comprising the Sub-Divisional Magistrate and Block Development Officer will verify the lists recommended by the Gram Sabha.

The state government is also considering revising the annual income criteria for BPL inclusion to ensure it reflects the current economic realities. “A robust mechanism will be established to identify eligible families so that no deserving household is left out,” the Chief Minister said.

To ensure public participation, any objections to the finalized BPL list can be submitted to the concerned Deputy Commissioner or Divisional Commissioner, who will have the authority to review and address these complaints. This step aims to foster inclusivity and trust in the selection process.

In addition to revising the BPL list, the government will launch a website to showcase and facilitate home delivery of products made by women’s self-help groups. This initiative seeks to enhance the economic independence of women across the state.

By focusing on transparency, fairness, and empowerment, the Himachal Pradesh government aims to ensure that the revised BPL list and associated measures truly benefit those in need.