Shimla – Education Minister Rohit Thakur has expressed concern over the declining enrollment in government schools across Himachal Pradesh, warning that if the current trend continues, many schools may soon face closure. Despite the rapid expansion of educational institutions in the state over the years, he noted that no government has managed to maintain power in successive terms.

Speaking during the Question Hour in the state assembly, Thakur highlighted the alarming drop in the state’s education ranking, as reflected in the National Achievement Survey (NAS) of 2021. Himachal Pradesh, which once ranked third in the country in the field of education, has now fallen to 18th place. The minister cited several reports indicating that many students, particularly those in Class VIII, are struggling to read even at a third-grade level.

Declining Enrollment Across All Levels

Thakur pointed out that student enrollment has significantly decreased over the past two decades. In 2003, approximately 5.90 lakh children were enrolled in classes I to V. However, this number has now dwindled to just 2.99 lakh. Similarly, enrollment in middle schools (classes VI to VIII) has dropped from 3.81 lakh to 2.05 lakh during the same period. High school and higher secondary school (classes IX to XII) admissions have also seen a decline, with enrollment figures falling from 1.84 lakh in 2003 to 1.36 lakh today.

The minister emphasized that this trend of declining student numbers is a serious concern that needs to be addressed urgently. He warned that if the situation does not improve, many government schools may be forced to shut down due to the lack of students. In some schools, the number of teachers now exceeds the number of students, further exacerbating the issue.

Past Governments’ Focus on Expanding Institutions

Thakur also reflected on the policies of previous governments, noting that both the Congress government (2012-2017) and the Jairam Thakur-led BJP government (2017-2022) prioritized the opening of new schools and colleges across the state. However, he stressed that the focus should now shift from expansion to strengthening the existing institutions to ensure quality education.

The minister mentioned that the current government has already taken steps to address the issue by merging 419 schools with fewer than five students and closing 99 schools with zero enrollment. He cited BJP MLA Anil Sharma, who in 2021 had expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of new educational institutions in his Mandi Sadar area. However, the situation has now reached a point where sustaining the existing schools has become a challenge.

In light of the current situation, Thakur called for strategic reforms in the education sector, focusing on enhancing the quality of education and making schools more attractive to students and parents. He underscored the need for a concerted effort to reverse the declining enrollment trend and improve the state’s standing in national education rankings.