AIIMS Bilaspur Launches Awareness Campaign During Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Bilaspur – In a groundbreaking initiative, experts from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) are championing a multifaceted approach to prevent cervical cancer. As January unfolds, AIIMS has strategically chosen to mark it as Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, shedding light on the prevalence of this disease among women of reproductive age in India.

Cervical cancer, the second most common cancer affecting women in the country, is also identified as the leading cause of death among young females. Shockingly, one in every five global deaths due to cervical cancer transpires in India. Recent statistics from Tata Memorial Hospital in Mumbai reveal a grim reality, with one woman succumbing to cervical cancer every eight minutes.

The crux of AIIMS’ campaign lies in the advocacy for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, a potent preventive measure targeted at young girls aged 14 to 19. Contrary to common practices, AIIMS experts emphasize the extension of HPV vaccination to girls aged 15 to 20, aligning with international norms observed in developed nations. The HPV vaccine is already a pivotal component of the national vaccination program in several advanced countries, administered to school-going girls aged 9 to 14.

To fortify the defense against cervical cancer, AIIMS underscores the importance of sexual hygiene and condom protection. In addition to vaccination, routine cervical smear tests for women in the age group of 30 to 65 are deemed crucial. The frequency of these tests conducted every 3 to 5 years, depends on the specific type of test prescribed, ensuring a comprehensive and proactive approach to early detection.

Experts at AIIMS Bilaspur highlight, “While HPV vaccination is a cornerstone in preventing cervical cancer, incorporating regular screenings and practicing sexual hygiene significantly reduce the risk. Our campaign aims to empower women with knowledge, encouraging a proactive stance against this formidable adversary.”

By advocating for a comprehensive strategy that includes vaccination, regular screenings, and awareness, AIIMS endeavours to reshape the narrative around cervical cancer. As the nation observes Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, the call to action echoes louder than ever, urging individuals to embrace preventive measures and join the fight against this silent killer.