Shimla: As per official statement as many as 17 people of the State were on religious congregation at Delhi Nijamuddeen.
Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, in review meeting today, conformed it stated that all of them were under 14 days surveillance of Delhi Government at New Delhi. Chief Minister stated that till now none of them have any symptoms of Coronavirus.
As of now there is report of 17 people attending the congregation, but administration has no record and information about the exact numbers of such people. There is sizable population of Muslim in Sirmour, Bilaspur, Chopal-Shimla Mandi and Una district.
24 positive cases of coronavirus have already reported so far from among those who congregated at the religious congregation at the Tablighi Jamaat in Delhi and six people who attended have died in Telangana.
The state of Himachal has so far succeeded in controlling Coronavirus, with stringent measures. Total 3 positive cases were reported in the state out of which 1 has lost his life and remaining two have completely recovered and discharged from the Tanda Medical College. The state has kept as many as 3,396 persons under surveillance for coronavirus in the State so far out of which 1,168 people had completed 28 days of surveillance period. 17 persons were tested for COVID-19 today and all samples has been found negative. The state has investigated 229 persons so far and 226 have been found negative.

However, situation isn’t same in the nation as positive cases of Coronavirus has crossed 1500. There is sharp increase in cases in Maharashtra, Karnatka, Karela, MP, Rajasthan and Telengana. 47 have already lost their lives.