Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Police personnel and their families will now receive enhanced financial security under a revised agreement between the Himachal Police and the State Bank of India (SBI). The insurance cover for accidental death has been increased from ₹50 lakh to ₹1 crore.
In cases of air accidents, the insurance cover has been raised from ₹1 crore to ₹1.60 crore. Additionally, the insurance cover for permanent disability due to accidents has been upgraded to ₹1 crore from ₹50 lakh. Group term life insurance has also been increased from ₹2 lakh to ₹10 lakh.
New welfare benefits include air ambulance coverage up to ₹10 lakh and educational and marriage assistance for children with a cover of up to ₹10 lakh. Police personnel holding Platinum and Rhodium accounts will receive free medical checkups, and a 50% discount on locker facilities will be available for select account variants.
These enhancements aim to provide comprehensive financial support to police personnel and their families, reflecting the government’s commitment to their well-being and welfare.