In a disturbing incident under the jurisdiction of Police Station Ghumarwin, a man was drugged and robbed after offering a lift to an unknown person. The victim, Sukhdev, a resident of Amarpur, filed a complaint detailing the ordeal, prompting an investigation by the authorities.

According to Sukhdev, the incident occurred on December 26 while he was driving from Amarpur to his residence in Ghumarwin. Near Bhaged, an unidentified individual flagged down his car and requested a lift. During the journey, the man offered Sukhdev salty snacks, which caused him to lose consciousness shortly after consuming them.

Sukhdev parked his car by the roadside before fainting. When he regained consciousness the next morning, he found himself behind a shop, stripped of most of his clothing. His wallet, mobile phone, personal documents, and car were missing. A shopkeeper discovered him and informed him of his location.

Later, locals informed Sukhdev that his car had been abandoned near a dhaba in Majhasu. Upon inspecting the vehicle, he found that several belongings and important documents were missing.

DSP Ghumarwin Chandrapal confirmed the incident and stated that a thorough investigation is underway to identify the perpetrator and recover the stolen items.