The administration has initiated a campaign to remove encroachments on National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) land, starting with the Solan bypass. On Thursday, notices were issued to families residing in huts on NHAI land, giving them 15 days to vacate. A team from the Revenue Department pasted these notices on the walls of the huts, warning of strict action if the land is not vacated within the given timeframe.

In a related move, the administration has served a notice to a private school for encroaching on 400 square meters of government land near the bypass. The notice was pasted on the school gate following measurements conducted by the authorities.

This campaign is being spearheaded by SDM Solan, with support from a team comprising representatives from NHAI, the Revenue Department, the Municipal Corporation, and the Police. Acting on public complaints, the team conducted measurements on Wednesday in front of Gurukul and DAV schools, confirming the extent of the encroachments.

A Growing Problem Along Highways; Impact on Traffic and Public Safety

Encroachments on NHAI land have been a persistent issue on most of the highways in Himachal Pradesh, where thousands of temporary sheds and shanty shops have been set up, particularly by migrants. These makeshift shops sell items like fruits and stuffed toys, and many structures have remained in place for years.

Such encroachments often start with small, temporary setups but gradually evolve into permanent establishments. Over time, occupants push for access to utilities like electricity meters and even construct permanent structures, making it increasingly difficult for the administration to reclaim the land.

The presence of these unauthorized structures poses significant risks to commuters. Vehicles parked along these shanty shops obstruct traffic flow, leading to road congestion and creating hazards for travellers. Despite the clear safety concerns, earlier inaction by the NHAI, PWD, and local administration allowed the problem to grow unchecked.

While the current crackdown is a welcome move, experts stress the need for sustained monitoring and stricter enforcement to prevent future encroachments. Addressing these issues promptly is essential for maintaining the safety and functionality of critical infrastructure like highways.