Shimla – Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced the inclusion of 40,000 new beneficiaries under the social security pension scheme for the current financial year. Reviewing the functioning of the Social Justice and Empowerment Department in a meeting held today, the Chief Minister reiterated the state government’s commitment to the welfare of vulnerable sections, allocating 30% of additional resources generated for the social security sector as outlined in the budget.

To enhance accessibility to welfare schemes, CM Sukhu directed the department to develop an online platform for applications. He also emphasized providing comprehensive healthcare support for the children of widows and ensuring treatment for cancer patients under the Indira Gandhi Sukh Shiksha Yojna.

In a move to improve maternal health, the Chief Minister instructed the department to supply protein-rich nutritional supplements to eligible expectant and lactating mothers through anganwadis. A committee comprising the Secretary of Health and Secretary of Education was also proposed to review the nutritional value of food provided in anganwadis to ensure quality.

Further, the state government has finalized the design for a modern de-addiction center at Kotla Barog in the Sirmaur district, with construction scheduled to begin in January. CM Sukhu also reviewed progress on the Centre of Excellence for specially-abled children at Kandaghat in Solan district, directing that work on its higher education wing commence in the first phase.