Shimla – In the aftermath of a heated protest demanding the release of dearness allowance (DA) and arrears, six employee leaders from the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat are facing serious repercussions. As per information, a privilege motion has been filed against these leaders for their critical remarks made during a recent general meeting, which openly targeted the government and some of its ministers. Sources confirm that proceedings have already commenced in this regard.

Among those named in the motion are Sanjeev Sharma, President of the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat Services Organization, and Kamal Kishore Sharma, General Secretary of the Secretariat Employees Federation. Leaders from the Secretariat Fourth Class Employees Organization, Drivers Union, and PA/PS Association are also implicated. The controversy stems from comments made during a gathering where Minister of Technical Education Rajesh Dharmani was explicitly mentioned and criticized.

The general meeting, organized by the Himachal Pradesh Secretariat Employees Federation, brought together various employee unions to press their demands, chiefly the release of DA and arrears linked to the revised pay scale. However, the protest soon took on an aggressive tone, with employee leaders questioning the government’s handling of their grievances. Minister Rajesh Dharmani’s reaction to the protests, in which he downplayed the agitation, fueled further outrage among the employee leaders. In response, the leaders escalated their criticisms during the General House meeting, directly aiming at the minister and the government’s overall approach.

What made matters worse was the viral spread of videos showing the leaders’ remarks. These videos circulated widely on social media, attracting significant attention. Following this, notices were issued to several employee leaders under the Conduct Rule, which they have since responded to. The privilege motion now serves as the latest chapter in this growing dispute between the employees and the government.

The privilege motion filed against the leaders has already begun moving forward, according to sources familiar with the matter. It remains unclear what specific actions the government may take as the situation unfolds. However, the employee leaders are facing growing pressure as the controversy escalates.

In light of the ongoing privilege motion and the legislative session, the Secretariat Employees Organizations have decided to temporarily postpone their protests. The employee leaders are expected to hold another General House meeting on September 11 or 12, after the conclusion of the monsoon session of the Assembly. This postponement provides a temporary reprieve, but tensions are likely to reignite once the session ends.

As the government continues its proceedings against the employee leaders, all eyes will be on how this dispute evolves. The protest, which began as a demand for financial entitlements, has now turned into a major standoff between the Secretariat employees and the Himachal Pradesh government. Whether this will lead to further escalations or a resolution remains to be seen in the coming weeks.