Shimla — The Shimla Municipal Corporation (MC) is gearing up for a significant technological overhaul that promises to revolutionize its employee management and waste collection processes. Starting September, the MC will introduce an advanced online attendance and salary system, alongside a new method for monitoring door-to-door garbage collection.

Innovative Biometric Attendance System

To enhance operational efficiency, the Shimla MC has installed biometric machines across its ward offices. These machines will accurately track employee attendance, recording the exact hours worked and leave taken. The data collected will be integrated into a new software system, which is currently undergoing testing. This software will manage not only attendance but also automate salary payments, including contributions to the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and annual salary adjustments.

The new system aims to streamline administrative processes, reduce errors, and ensure timely salary disbursements. By digitizing attendance records, the MC hopes to improve transparency and accountability within its workforce.

Smart Technology for Waste Collection

In addition to the employee management system, the Shimla MC is also implementing a smart solution for its door-to-door garbage collection service. Garbage collectors will be equipped with smartwatches featuring QR code scanners. These devices will allow collectors to log their attendance by scanning QR codes placed outside buildings. This new method is designed to enhance the efficiency of waste collection and ensure that service standards are consistently met.

The use of smartwatches and QR codes will provide real-time data on the performance of garbage collection services, helping to address any issues promptly and improve overall service quality.

Bhupendra Atri, Commissioner of the Shimla Municipal Corporation, emphasized the transformative impact of these technological advancements. “The new system will not only streamline our internal operations but also enhance the quality of services we provide to our residents. By integrating biometric and QR technology, we are taking a significant step towards modernizing municipal management and increasing transparency.”

The Shimla MC is set to commence the rollout of these systems on September 1. The installation and trial phases for the biometric machines and QR scanners are already in progress, with the full implementation expected to follow soon. This initiative represents a major leap forward in municipal administration, setting a precedent for other cities to adopt similar technological solutions.