The rainy season has begun, and with it, the onset of damage across the state. The havoc caused last year at the notorious stretch between Mandi and Pandoh on the Chandigarh-Manali highway is still fresh in the memories of the locals. The catastrophic event claimed four lives, including that of an innocent child. This year, fears are mounting that history may repeat itself due to the negligence of the KMC company, responsible for the four-lane highway construction.

The company has only partially cleared the debris from last year’s rainy season on the Mandi and Pandoh stretch, leaving a significant portion still precariously perched on the hillside. This unremoved debris is now a ticking time bomb, ready to unleash another wave of destruction with the heavy rains. Adding to the danger, the company has also withdrawn its machinery from these critical areas, ignoring repeated warnings from both the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and the district administration.

As the rains intensify, loose rocks and debris are poised to cascade down onto the highway, posing a severe threat to the safety of travellers. The highway closure due to landslides not only disrupts traffic but also raises the specter of fatal accidents. The indecisive attitude and inaction of the KMC company management are putting countless lives at risk.

In stark contrast, other construction companies and the Public Works Department have proactively deployed their machinery in sensitive areas to mitigate the risk of landslides. The KMC company’s blatant disregard for public safety and administrative reprimands is alarming. The company’s lack of preparation and failure to act on the urgent need for debris removal could lead to another tragic incident on this crucial highway.

The affected Panchayat has voiced a strong demand to the administration, calling for strict and immediate instructions to the private construction company to clear the debris. Concrete steps are urgently needed to prevent a major mishap during this rainy season. Without swift action, the inaction and indifference of the private construction company could result in a repeat of last year’s disaster, endangering the lives of those who rely on the Chandigarh-Manali highway.