Shimla — The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced plans to observe June 25 as a Black Day, marking the anniversary of the Emergency declared in 1975. State co-media in-charge of BJP, Kanwar Pyaar Singh, stated that this day is remembered as a dark period in the history of India when former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi imposed an Emergency across the nation, leading to widespread human rights violations.

On June 25, 1975, Indira Gandhi declared an Emergency to maintain her hold on power following a Supreme Court decision against her. This move resulted in the imprisonment and torture of countless journalists and dissenters. The BJP has been commemorating this day annually with various programs to honour the defenders of democracy who stood against the Emergency.

This year, the BJP will organize seminars, silent processions, and other programs across the country and within the state on June 25 and 26. These events will take place in all organizational districts to remember and honour those who fought for democratic principles during the Emergency. Presidents of all BJP fronts, conveners of cells, and state officials will actively participate in these programs.

Kanwar Pyaar Singh emphasized that BJP leaders, officials, and workers will use these events to expose what they describe as the Congress party’s deceit regarding the Constitution. They aim to present the truth about the Emergency period to the public through these district-level programs.

He also criticized the Congress party for allegedly tampering with the Constitution’s basic principles during the Emergency by adding terms like secularism and socialism, which, according to him, went against Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s vision that the Constitution’s basic spirit should remain untouched. Singh stated that a pledge will be taken to counter the Congress party’s attempts to mislead the public and to support the current Prime Minister’s commitment to upholding the Constitution.