Shimla – In a notable development, the Himachal Pradesh government carried out a substantial administrative reshuffle on Sunday, signalling a significant shift in the state’s bureaucratic framework. Building upon the recent transfer of nine IPS-HPS officers, this latest move encompasses the relocation of 42 officers within the Himachal Administrative Service (HAS).

Among the key alterations, Vivek Kumar, the current Executive Director of Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) in Shimla, has given the role of Additional Commissioner of State Tax and Excise for the Southern Region.

In a parallel move, Rahul Chauhan, an HPAS (2010) officer serving as the General Manager (Personnel) at SPV Dharamshala Smart City Limited, has been assigned the dual responsibilities of Additional District Magistrate (Development) and Project Director of the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). Additionally, Dr. Harish Gujju, an HPAS 2011 officer, has been entrusted with the role of ADM Kangra.

Further changes include the appointment of Surender Mohan, an HPAS 2014 officer, as the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) of Shillai. Dr. Rakhee Singh, an HPAS 2016 officer, has been appointed as the Joint Director of Land Records. Anil Kumar Sharma, an HPAS 2017 officer, has taken on the responsibilities of the Regional Transport Officer (RTO) in Shimla.

Adding to the reshuffle, Surender Kumar Katoch, an HPAS 2023 officer, has been appointed as the Joint Commissioner of Municipal Corporation (MC) Dharamshala, along with an additional charge as the General Manager (Personnel) in SPV Dharamshala Smart City Limited.

These changes, effective immediately, anticipated to bring a renewed vigour to administrative processes and facilitate the effective execution of key development initiatives across the state.