Shimla: The Cabinet approved new Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Rules, 2020 by repealing the Himachal Pradesh Fisheries Rules, 1979 for running fishery activities smoothly in the State and for proper implementation of developmental policies/schemes for the fishermen.
The Cabinet accorded ex post facto approval to the Himachal Pradesh Epidemic Disease (COVID-19) Regulations, 2020 notified on 11th March, 2020 and further amended on 14th March, 2020. It was also apprised regarding regulatory and preventive measures undertaken and instructions issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare to tackle the situation which had arisen due to outbreak of Coronavirus.
In view of emerging situation and for safety of health care workers directions were issued to maintain stock of safety equipments such as 50,000 PPE Kits, 10,000 N-95 masks, 10 lakh surgical masks. It was also informed that rapid test kits be also procured in adequate numbers for testing in hot spots and inter State borders.
The Cabinet decided to ban custom of presenting bouquets, shawls and caps in government functions and all the non-government organizations also asked to adhere to the decision.
The Cabinet made a fervent appeal to the people to contribute generously towards PM CARES Fund. It also urged the people to download Arogya Setu App and always use face cover for their safety. It also thanked the Union Government for providing generous financial accommodation.