Shimla: Following the decision of the government of India in a wake of Coronavirus, the state government has extended the curfew in the state till 3 May, 2020. The state government has directed that all social, cultural, sports, political, religious, academic, family mass gatherings of any kind continues to be banned.

State government spokesperson said that all interstate and intrastate movement of public and private stage and contract carriages including taxis, auto-rickshaws etc. is also prohibited. There will be total prohibition on movement or plying of trains and commercial aircrafts. The private vehicles will be plied only if essentially required for visiting hospitals and for availing/maintenance of essential services.

All offices under the government of Himachal Pradesh will continue to remain closed and employees have been directed to continue to stay at home and follow all the social distancing guidelines as prescribed from time to time. They have been asked to make themselves available for duty, in case their services required in exigency by their respective Controlling Officer, at short notice.

The Spokesperson said that all educational institutions, schools, colleges, universities, technical and vocational training institutions, ITI’s, Polytechnics Engineering Colleges, Medical Colleges, Paramedical Training Institutes, Anganwaris, Creches, Pre-nursery, Gyms schools etc., in the public as well as private sector would also continue to remain closed. Besides that, all the beauty parlours, hair cutting saloons, gyms, clubs, swimming pools, golf clubs, sports complexes etc. will also continue to remain closed.

Now, authority has made masks mandatory for everyone while stepping out of home.

Few exemptions and exceptions will be allowed in the public interest subject to further restrictions or relaxations, if any imposed/ allowed by the Government of India, the State Government or the concerned District Magistrate from time to time in normal and sensitive areas.

However, now all the Administrative Secretaries and Heads of Departments under the state government will be present in their offices with skeletal bare minimum staff.