As Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu prepares to celebrate two years of Congress rule with a state-level event at Luhnu Ground in Bilaspur, public opinion remains divided over the government’s performance. While the Chief Minister asserts that his administration has fulfilled five of the ten guarantees promised during the 2022 assembly elections, the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) accuses the Congress of misleading people with unfulfilled commitments.

The Congress party’s election campaign revolved around ten key guarantees designed to bring socio-economic transformation to the state. Among the prominent promises fulfilled is the restoration of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS), a move that reversed the previous New Pension Scheme and provided financial stability to thousands of government employees.

Another key achievement is the provision of 300 units of free electricity to households, aimed at reducing economic burdens on families. The government has also initiated steps to provide ₹1,500 monthly financial assistance to women aged 18-60, although this has only been partially implemented so far. Chief Minister Sukhu highlighted these measures as evidence of his government’s commitment to “Vyavastha Parivartan” (system change).

The Congress government claims to be progressing on other guarantees, such as creating five lakh government jobs, offering financial relief to farmers and orchardists, enhancing healthcare through the HIMCARE scheme, and promoting free education for students. However, these initiatives remain in various stages of implementation, with Sukhu promising phased fulfilment of the remaining guarantees.

BJP Criticizes “Hollow Promises”

The BJP has strongly criticized the Congress government, accusing it of deceiving voters with promises it cannot keep. BJP leaders have pointed out the slow progress on major commitments, such as job creation and financial assistance to women.

“The Congress party’s guarantees were nothing more than election gimmicks. They are misleading the people of Himachal Pradesh while failing to address pressing issues like unemployment and inflation,” said a senior BJP leader.

The BJP also questioned how the Congress government intends to fund its ambitious schemes, given the state’s precarious financial situation. They allege that the government’s focus on optics and celebrations comes at the cost of tangible development.

Despite the criticism, Sukhu remains optimistic about the future. He announced that his government is planning to launch six new schemes aimed at making Himachal Pradesh self-reliant and one of the most prosperous states in the country. “Our government is dedicated to the welfare of every citizen. We will continue to work with the same vision and determination to ensure inclusive growth,” he stated.

The upcoming state-level function is expected to highlight these achievements and unveil the government’s roadmap for the remaining term. The event, organized under the theme “Atmanirbhar Himachal through Vyavastha Parivartan,” aims to showcase both accomplishments and plans for future development.

The Congress government’s tenure so far has been a mix of praise and scepticism. While many laud the restoration of OPS and free electricity as significant achievements, doubts linger over the incomplete guarantees and the state’s financial challenges.