Leader of Opposition and former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur has accused the Himachal Pradesh government of shielding the mining mafia, claiming that the administration and ministers have failed to curb their illegal activities. He criticized the Sukhu government for allowing the mining mafia to operate with impunity, leaving citizens no choice but to seek justice through the High Court.
Thakur questioned whether the mafia enjoyed direct protection from those in power, pointing out the government’s inability to act decisively. “The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that even the Deputy Chief Minister is seen pleading with the administration, which highlights the government’s helplessness,” he said.
Referring to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed against illegal mining in the Deputy Chief Minister’s own district, Thakur noted that the High Court had taken strict cognizance of the matter and issued a notice to the state government. He emphasized that the administration’s failure to act against the mafia has forced the public to turn to the judiciary for relief.
Thakur also criticized the government for addressing such serious issues in public meetings rather than resolving them in departmental discussions. He alleged that the unchecked operations of the mining mafia have severely impacted local communities and the environment, further exposing the government’s inefficiency.