The Directorate of Higher Education in Himachal Pradesh has prohibited the creation of non-educational video reels and the unnecessary use of social media by staff in educational institutions. Principals of schools and colleges have been directed to monitor such activities closely, with strict disciplinary action warned against violators.

Director of Higher Education, Dr. Amarjeet Kumar Sharma, stated that the decision aims to curb distractions and foster an environment focused on academics. Complaints regarding staff engaging in non-academic activities on social media during school hours have prompted this move.

According to the Directorate, some teachers and non-teaching staff have been uploading videos and reels unrelated to academics, sports, or curricular activities. Officials expressed concern that such content diverts students’ attention from their educational goals and could negatively impact their mental and emotional health by promoting excessive social media use.

Principals and District Education Deputy Directors have been instructed to ensure compliance and prioritize character-building and the academic growth of students. Educational institutions are urged to create a conducive learning environment that supports students in becoming responsible and productive citizens.