Shimla — In a determined effort to tackle the growing menace of cybercrime, the Himachal Pradesh Police have refunded Rs. 2.51 crore to citizens who fell victim to online fraud. This was disclosed by Deputy Inspector General of Police, Cyber Crime, Mohit Chawla, during a meeting with Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla at Raj Bhavan today.

During the meeting, the Governor expressed serious concern over the rising number of cybercrime incidents in the state. He emphasized the urgent need to bolster cyber security measures and called for a comprehensive strategy to educate the public about potential cyber threats. “Increasing public awareness and educating citizens on protecting themselves from cyber threats is crucial,” stated Governor Shukla.

Governor Shukla also stressed the importance of specialized training for police personnel to effectively handle the complex and evolving nature of cyber crimes. He lauded the cyber crime team for their diligent efforts in addressing these challenges and urged continued innovation in their approach.

DIG Mohit Chawla provided a detailed overview of the current cybercrime in the state. He informed the Governor that 83 cases have been registered in cyber police stations this year alone, with a staggering 8,290 complaints received. The refund of Rs. 2.51 crore to complainants marks a significant achievement in the state’s efforts to provide justice and relief to victims.

Chawla also highlighted the proactive steps being taken to further enhance the state’s cybercrime response capabilities. This includes the establishment of cyber commandos in Himachal Pradesh and the integration of the national cyber crime helpline (1930) with the National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP) to ensure a real-time response to complaints.