Dharamshala – In a significant development, the US House of Representatives has passed a resolution recognizing Tibet as an independent country. This historic decision was highlighted during a visit by a high-profile US Congress delegation to the exiled Tibetan Parliament in Dharamshala.

The seven-member delegation, led by Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, included former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The group arrived at Gaggal Airport on Tuesday via a special plane, receiving a warm welcome from members of the Tibetan community.

During their visit, McCaul confirmed that the resolution has been passed in the US House and is awaiting the President’s signature. This marks a pivotal moment in US-Tibet relations and signals strong support for Tibet’s independence. At 4:30 pm, McCaul and Pelosi addressed the Parliament of the exiled Tibetan government, expressing their unwavering support for the Tibetan cause.

Meanwhile, China has expressed “strong concern” over the visit and warned President Joe Biden of “resolute measures” if he decides to sign the Tibet Bill, which aims to direct funds to counter Beijing’s “disinformation” on Tibet’s history. The Republican chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul, is leading the bipartisan congressional delegation to India.

The delegation is scheduled to meet with the Dalai Lama on Wednesday, as well as hold discussions with Indian government officials and American business representatives. The visit comes just before the Dalai Lama’s planned trip to the United States on June 20 for a medical checkup.

The main objective of the US Congress delegation’s visit to Dharamshala is to strengthen bilateral relations and demonstrate solidarity with the Tibetan spiritual leader. The delegation members are staying at a private hotel, with meticulous arrangements made for their visit.

China is closely monitoring this visit, particularly in light of its ongoing attempts to influence the process of the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation. The delegation’s presence in Dharamshala underscores the US’s commitment to supporting Tibet’s quest for independence and its spiritual leadership.

The US delegation includes prominent figures such as House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Gregory W. Meeks, House Rules Committee Ranking Member Jim McGovern, Indo-Pacific Ranking Member Ami Bera, Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and members of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee.

This visit signifies a pivotal moment in the ongoing struggle for Tibetan independence, drawing international attention and potentially reshaping geopolitical dynamics in the region. The resolution passed by the US House represents a strong stance on Tibet’s sovereignty and a significant step towards its recognition on the global stage.