Shimla — The eagerly anticipated southwest monsoon is forecast to arrive in Himachal Pradesh by June 20, bringing much-needed relief from the heat. According to Surendra Pal, Director of the Meteorological Center in Shimla, normal rainfall is expected during this monsoon season.

Pre-monsoon showers are set to begin from June 15, gradually increasing in intensity until the monsoon’s official arrival. “There will be a notable increase in rainfall between June 15 and 20, with a likelihood of heavier downpours in the last week of June. Some areas may experience above-normal rainfall during this period,” stated Pal.

The forecast is particularly welcome this year, as the region has experienced higher temperatures and lower rainfall before the monsoon. “Considering the current situation, the monsoon is expected to arrive on time, which is good news given the recent heat and insufficient pre-monsoon rain,” Pal added.

Notably, the monsoon arrived on June 24 last year, so this year’s earlier forecast is a positive sign for farmers and water resources.

Following the rain in many parts of the state in the past 24 hours, Himachal Pradesh has witnessed a decrease in temperatures, with the minimum temperature dropping by about three degrees Celsius and the maximum by one degree Celsius. This cooling trend comes after a scorching spell, offering some respite to the residents.