Hamirpur – A bus operated by the Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) on the Hamirpur to Amritsar route caught fire unexpectedly near Khilchiyan station in Punjab. The incident occurred around 5:15 PM, but fortunately, all 14 passengers, along with the driver and conductor, narrowly escaped what could have been a major accident.

The bus had departed from Hamirpur bus station at 10:30 AM and was nearing its destination when the fire broke out. Eyewitnesses reported that embers started to appear inside the bus, prompting the driver to stop and evacuate all passengers immediately. Within moments of everyone disembarking, flames engulfed the bus, reducing it to ashes in a very short time.

The cause of the fire is still unknown. Preliminary speculations suggest that the rising temperatures could have contributed to the incident. However, a thorough investigation is yet to determine the exact cause.

Rajkumar Pathak, the sub-divisional manager of HRTC, said “A bus from the Hamirpur depot travelling on the Hamirpur to Amritsar route caught fire while passing through Punjab. Fortunately, all passengers and the bus staff are safe. We have dispatched officials to the site, and only after a thorough investigation will we be able to determine the cause of the fire.”

Local authorities and emergency services were quick to respond, ensuring the safety of the passengers and managing the aftermath of the blaze.