Hamirpur: Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting, and Youth and Sports Affairs, Anurag Thakur, has strongly criticized the Congress party for its handling of national security, accusing it of weakening the Indian Army and compromising the nation’s safety.

Speaking during public campaigns in the Hamirpur parliamentary constituency, Thakur accused the Congress of acting as a “puppet of China-Pakistan,” undermining the Indian Army’s morale through corruption and mismanagement. He claimed that Congress has been involved in defense deal scams since independence, weakening the country’s global image and security.

“Congress has always put its own interests above national security, evident from scams in defense deals ranging from jeeps to submarines and helicopters,” Thakur asserted. He cited specific incidents such as the alleged misuse of the INS Viraat by former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi for personal holidays, emphasizing that such actions displayed Congress’s disregard for national security.

Thakur highlighted the achievements under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, including the implementation of the One Rank One Pension scheme and the construction of over 6800 kilometers of border roads. He credited Modi’s leadership for strengthening the Indian Army and ensuring a secure border, stating, “Today, no enemy can dare to look at India with malicious intent. Our armed forces are well-equipped and ready to defend the nation.”

Thakur also accused the Congress of maintaining ties with foreign adversaries, alleging that party members sought support from Pakistan and China. He pointed to incidents like Rahul Gandhi’s alleged meeting with Chinese officials during the Doklam standoff as evidence of Congress’s compromised stance on national security.

In contrast, Thakur praised the Modi government for its proactive measures in defense and internal security, including modernizing military equipment, boosting domestic defense manufacturing, and achieving significant peace agreements in the Northeast. “Under Modi’s leadership, India’s defense capabilities have reached new heights, and the country stands stronger than ever,” he concluded.

The minister’s remarks underline the ongoing political battle over national security, with the BJP positioning itself as the guardian of India’s borders and military strength.