In an effort to mitigate the adverse effects of monsoon-related disruptions on students’ education, the Directorate of Elementary Education in Himachal Pradesh has introduced flexibility in school schedules. This initiative aims to ensure that students do not suffer from prolonged closures due to heavy rain, floods, and other weather-related challenges that often plague the region during the monsoon season.

Under the revised directives, only those schools that faced significant closures during the monsoon season due to extreme weather conditions will be conducting extra classes. These additional classes will be held for the specific duration that the schools were forced to remain closed. For example, if a school was closed intermittently for up to 10 days, it will be required to make up for the academic hours at a rate of only 6 hours per day. Moreover, in the case of consecutive holidays, school principals will have the option to keep the school open on one of the holiday days, with the entire school participating in the extra classes.

This new approach not only offers schools the flexibility to tailor their schedules to local conditions but also emphasizes the importance of ensuring that students receive a complete education despite weather-related challenges. It recognizes the difficulties students face when travelling to and from school during the winter months, where early darkness can pose safety concerns.

The Himachal Pradesh State Teachers’ Association supports this initiative and believes that it will prevent any disruption to the academic progress of students while taking into account the practical challenges of attending school in adverse weather conditions.