Shimla: The state Health Department has cautioned people to be vigilant about the symptoms of Black Fungus.
Health Department, in a press statement, appealed general public to be vigilant about the symptoms of Black Fungus like headache, facial pain, nasal congestion, loss of vision, pain in eyes, swelling in cheeks and eyes, loosening of teeth and abnormal black discharge from the nose.
“People with symptoms should report immediately to the treating doctor to ensure the timely treatment and cure of the disease,” health Dept. spokesperson said.

The Mucormycosis (Black Fungus) has been made notifiable disease in the state. All the districts have been directed to update the data regarding the Mucormycosis cases on the GoI S3 portal for regular monitoring and surveillance and for timely and correct dissemination of information.
The state has reported eight cases of black fungus cases with Covid-19 so far. Of which five patients have been admitted in IGMC and three cases at RPGMC, Tanda. Two patients with Mucormycosis infection have succumbed to the disease. One of the deceased was a 49 years old male from district Solan who was admitted in IGMC Shimla on 22nd May 2021 with co-morbidities of diabetes mellitus and kidney disease. The second was a 38-year-old male from district Hamirpur who was admitted in IGMC on 27th May with co-morbidities of diabetic ketoacidosis. Both the deceased had Covid pneumonia and were admitted in IGMC, Shimla.