Shimla: Delay in awarding road projects is one of major problem behind timely execution of work. Acquisition of land, proper and timely compensation and then tendering process takes years to realize the project.

Concerned over the inordinate delay in allocation of road projects for execution, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur has directed the officers of the Public Work Department to evolve mechanism to reduce time for awarding of works.
The Chief Minister, in a review meeting of Public Works Department, said that works must be awarded immediately and in case of any problem the issue must be brought to the knowledge of the higher authorities.
Greater focus must be laid on optimum use of IT and modern technology in execution of the projects, Thakur further added.
Jai Ram Thakur said that for the first-time assessment has been done to identify division wise roads, on which snow clearance activities need to be undertaken as and when required. He said that dedicated human resource deployment roster was being formulated which would coordinate with disaster management authorities of respective districts at divisional, district and sub divisional level in event of such requirement.