Ambassadors of about 20-25 countries expected to attend the Summit

Shimla: Himachal Pradesh government leaving no stone unturned to make Global Investors Summit a successful and mega event. It’s expecting that 1500 to 2000 participants will participate in the summit.
The Global Investors Summit is to be held on November, 7th and 8th 2019 at Dharamshala.
The Chief Secretary Dr. Shrikant Baldi, in an organising committee meeting, directed to make all out efforts to make the summit a big success. Additional Chief Secretary Forests and LAC Ram Subhag Singh, Additional Chief Secretary Industries Manoj Kumar and Principal Secretary (I&PR) Sanjay Kundu were also present in the meeting.
Dr. Baldi directed for proper arrangements of accommodation and transportation. He also directed to engage accommodations and travel partner for the smooth conduct of this summit.
To make Global Investors Summit a big success, more than 1600 invitations are being sent. Ambassadors of about 20-25 countries are also expected to attend the summit. Apart from this, Union Ministers, Chief Ministers of other States and foreign delegates are also being invited.
For smoothly organising the summit nine committees have been constituted. As many as eight sectoral sessions will be held during the summit in which various Ministers, Secretaries and dignitaries will share their experiences. A cultural programme will also be organised on the first day of the summit.
A general helpline number will also be setup for everything including information regarding accommodation, transportation and details related to the event.
The Chief Secretary said that the next meeting of the organising committee will be held at Dharamshala on 16th October, 2019
The State Government is expecting to attract investment of Rs. 85000 crores from Himachal Pradesh Global Investors Summit, which is expecting to provide big number of employment opportunities to the unemployed youth. All the investable proposals would be included in 8 broad sectors namely, Agri- business Sector including Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and fisheries; Industry including food Processing and Pharma; Tourism & Hospitality sector including Eco- Tourism; Power; Ayurveda including Health Care & Aayush: PWD including Infrastructure, Logistics & transport: Information technology, Electronics, Skill Development & Education and Urban Development including Housing and real Estate Sector.
The State Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur taken special interest to make Global Investor Summit a success. He hold road shows in many countries and also hosted a meeting with the Ambassadors of 50 nations at New Delhi in July.