Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh Cabinet accorded approval to regularize the services of about 3000 Part Time Water Carriers and Water Carriers-cum Peon on Daily wages working in Higher/Elementary Education department, appointed under 1996 and 2001 policy.
Those who have rendered 14 years continuous service till 31st March, 2016 and 30th September, 2016, (as well as on the same dates in subsequent years) be regularized as Peon (Class-IV) against the available vacancies throughout the State. It would cost around Rs. 60 crore extra on the State exchequer.
The Cabinet meeting was chaired by Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh.
The Cabinet also decided to regularize the service of 64 Daily Wagers by creating 54 personal supernumerary posts of various categories, involving relaxation in educational qualification in 32 cases.
The Cabinet decided for framing the Himachal Pradesh Conferment of Proprietary Rights (in certain cases, for small and marginal farmers) on Government Land Scheme, 2017.
The Vidhan Sabha passed a resolution on 28-8-2015, which stated that though the Government is committed to take appropriate legal action of encroachment on Government land but at the same time the Government is sensitive towards the welfare of small and marginal farmers, landless, homeless, poor and backward sections of the society. Keeping in view the problems of these sections of the society who are occupying Government land out of duress and helplessness the House passed a resolution for framing an appropriate policy to provide relief to them.
A major decision was also taken to issue Bonafide Himachali Certificate to the women of the State, who are married to persons having their permanent home outside Himachal Pradesh. This has been done with a view to give them security for rest of their lives.
The Cabinet gave its nod to introduce draft bill (Prevention of Violence and Damage to Property Act, 2009) in coming session of Vidhan Sabha pertaining to prevention of violence against medicare service persons and damage to property in health institutions in the State and also to provide for imprisonment and fine and provisions for payment of compensation for damage or loss caused to the property in the Medical Service institutions by the offenders.
The Cabinet also decided to acquire the land adjoining Shree Bhimakali Temple at Sarahan in Shimla district in the name of Art, Language and Culture Department with a view to preserve the sanctity of the temple and exploring ample scope for its beautification and security.
The state Cabinet also accorded approval to allot 55 Self -Identified Micro Hydel Projects up to 5500 KW capacity to Bonafide Himachali Entrepreneurs.
Health Sector
· The Cabinet gave its nod for implementation of Himachal Pradesh Universal Health Protection Scheme (HPUHPS).
· The Cabinet gave its nod for conversion of RKS employees of IGMC, Shimla and Dr. RPGMC Kangra at Tanda into Government contract.
· It was decided to bring out a proposed draft plan before the Cabinet regarding establishing Medical University in the State.
· It gave approval for creation and filling up posts in PHCs as per norms also accorded for other health institutions in the State.
· It gave extension in joining time to 43 Staff Nurses who are doing BSc./MSc. Nursing 2nd year from various Government/private colleges.
· The Cabinet gave its nod to open Primary Health Centre (PHC) at Beetan in Una district, Pathiar and Serathana in district Kangra.
· The Cabinet approved to upgrade Civil Hospital Jawalamukhi to the level of 100 bedded Civil Hospital in Kangra district.
· Approval was accorded to up-gradation of Primary Health Centers (PHC) Kasba Kotla to Community Health Centre (CHC) in district Kangra and PHC Dhussara to CHC in Una district.
· It approved to upgrade Health Sub Centre (HSC) Kiara and Sainj to the level of Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Shimla district along-with requisite staff.
· Approval was accorded to creation and filling up three posts of Physiotherapists in IGMC Shimla and two in RPGMC Tanda.
Jobs/ Post created/filled
· The Cabinet gave its approval for addition of three posts in the grade of Chief Secretary (Apex scale) in the IAS cadre of State.
· Cabinet approved filling up 100 vacant posts of Medical Officers (MBBS) in the Health & Family Welfare Department on contracts through walk-in-interview.
· The Cabinet gave its approval for creation of 60 posts of PGT Yoga in different schools of the State.
· Decided to fill 49 posts of Junior Office Assistant (IT) in Forest Department on contract basis.
· It approved to fill 19 posts of different categories in the Electrical Inspectorate through H.P. Subordinate Service Selection Commission on contract basis.
· It approved for creation/filling of 12 posts of Private Secretary one each in the O/o Deputy Commissioners.
· The Cabinet accorded sanction to fill 12 posts of Traffic Inspectors Class-III through 50 percent direct recruitment/on secondment basis from HRTC and 50% amongst Departmental Officials.
· To create and fill ten posts of Junior Office Assistant (IT) on contract basis in Information and Public Relations department.
· To fill eight posts of Extension Officer (Industries) in the Industries Department through direct recruitment on contract basis.
· Approval was accorded to create seven posts of Assistant Professor (Commerce) on contract basis in Government Colleges.
· To fill six posts of Fieldman/Seed Examiner on secondment basis in the Industries Department.
· To fill four posts of Clerk (SC backlog) on contract basis in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumers Affairs Department.
· It approved Part Time Workers for all newly created Patwar Circles in the State.
· Approval was accorded to fill 3 posts of Driver in the office of Deputy Commissioner, Solan.
· To fill one post of Jr. Scale Stenographer on contract basis in the O/O Divisional Commissioner, Kangra.
· To fill one post of Steno Typist Grade-III in the Directorate of Information Technology on contract basis.
· Decided to fill up two posts of Instructors and one each post of Peon and Chowkidar in Anganwari Training Centre at Sunni and Rasmai.
· To create one post of Chowkidar in the office of the Chairman, H.P. State Wakf Tribunal at Dharamshala in district Kangra.
· Two posts of Chowkidars by way of direct recruitment on daily waged basis and three posts of part time Sweepers on part basis in Fisheries Department.
· To fill two posts of Class IV on Daily Wages basis in Technical Education.
· Approval was accorded to create one post of Assistant Professor (Gastroenterology Surgery) under the Surgery Department of IGMC Shimla.
· To create one post of Joint Director (training & Research) in State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD) HIPA.
· To fill one post of Assistant Professor/equivalent (Forest Products) in Dr. Y/.S. Parmar University Nauni Solan.
· To create one post of Computer Programmer in the Department of Environment, Science and Technology.