Shimla – Leader of Opposition Jairam Thakur has launched a scathing attack on the Congress-led Sukhu government in Himachal Pradesh, likening its governance to a comedy show. Addressing a press conference, Thakur compared the administration to Jaspal Bhatti’s satirical Ulta Pulta series and demanded that Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu resign on moral grounds and seek a fresh mandate from the people.

Thakur criticized the government for allegedly failing to honour its election promise of providing 300 units of free electricity. He accused the administration of betraying the public trust by asking consumers to voluntarily give up electricity subsidies. “This government came to power on false guarantees and is now reversing its promises. Such actions are a betrayal of the people of Himachal Pradesh,” he said.

The opposition leader also raised concerns about changes to the subsidy structure, pointing out that domestic electricity consumers previously received significant subsidies under the BJP government. He alleged that these benefits have been curtailed or stopped under the Congress regime, adding that industries in the state are now burdened with heavy taxes.

Jairam Thakur criticized other decisions by the government, including what he termed the “samosa investigation,” and the controversial toilet tax imposed by the Shimla Municipal Corporation. He said such measures reflect poor governance and lack of direction, adding, “Instead of addressing real issues, this government is making a mockery of governance.”

Thakur called the Sukhu government’s two-year tenure a complete failure and questioned its ability to govern effectively. “If the Chief Minister has any moral courage, he should resign and seek the public’s trust again,” he said.