The Bilaspur Police have arrested two individuals, including a police employee, after recovering 6.64 grams of chitta from a truck during a routine check at Bagi Binola. The incident has raised serious concerns about the involvement of law enforcement personnel in illegal activities.
ASP Bilaspur Shiv Chaudhary stated that the arrests were made when a police team at the Bagi Binola check post stopped a truck for inspection based on suspicion. During the search, the contraband was found concealed in the dashboard of the vehicle.
One of the accused is a police employee who was previously serving in the Vigilance Department in Bilaspur and had recently been transferred to Shimla. The police have informed the Shimla Directorate about the employee’s involvement in the case.
Both accused have been taken into custody, and further investigations are underway to determine the source of the drugs and any potential links to a larger network. The Bilaspur Police have reiterated their commitment to taking strict action against anyone involved in illegal drug activities, regardless of their position or affiliation.