BJP leader Chetan Singh Bragta has called for the establishment of a Horticulture University or College in Jubbal Kotkhai, citing the region’s significant horticultural potential. Speaking ahead of Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu’s visit to the area, Bragta welcomed the visit but criticized the Congress government for allegedly taking credit for projects initiated during the BJP’s tenure.
Bragta highlighted the achievements of the BJP government in the region, noting that despite only seven years in power, the party undertook transformative development projects. He credited the late BJP leader Narendra Bragta for laying the foundation of these initiatives, which were carried forward during the BJP’s tenure. Projects like the establishment of administrative offices, improved connectivity, and advancements in horticulture were instrumental in the region’s development.
Addressing the needs of the area, Bragta urged the government to address several pressing issues. He demanded the construction of the Trauma Center in Kotkhai, the completion of the synthetic track in Saraswatinagar, and the establishment of divisions for the IPH and Electricity Department in Kotkhai. He also emphasized the need to restore subsidies on anti-hail nets, maintain anti-hail guns, and ensure proper repair of disaster-affected roads. Additionally, he called for the swift initiation of CA storage construction in Khadapathar, Anu, and Baghi to benefit apple growers.
Bragta accused the Congress government of misleading the people by re-laying foundation stones of projects approved during the BJP’s tenure. He asserted that the Chief Minister’s upcoming inaugurations in Kotkhai were a continuation of the BJP’s initiatives. Highlighting the region’s dependence on horticulture, he demanded the implementation of a new horticulture policy to provide subsidies and medicines to farmers and apple growers.
Bragta also reflected on key milestones achieved during the BJP government, including improved road connectivity, administrative upgrades, the establishment of educational institutions, and advancements in horticulture infrastructure.