Apple Growers Unhappy with Carton Policy, BJP Warns of Revenue Loss for Himachal

Shimla: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has launched a scathing attack on the Congress-led Himachal Pradesh government for the hasty and unprepared implementation of the Universal Carton policy. The BJP claims this abrupt policy change endangers the state’s Rs. 5000 crore apple horticulture economy, drawing ire from apple growers and stakeholders alike.

BJP MLA Balbir Verma and party spokesperson Chetan Bragta voiced their strong opposition to the Universal Carton mandate, highlighting the forced transition away from telescopic cartons without adequate preparation. According to Verma and Baragata, this move has driven apple growers to sell their produce in markets outside Himachal Pradesh, disrupting the traditional market dynamics where most apples are typically sold within the state in July.

“The arbitrary order from the Horticulture Minister has caused widespread distress among gardeners, commission agents, and loaders,” said Verma. “This year, fewer loaders are arriving in the state’s markets, and commission agents are contemplating a shift to markets in other states. This situation will result in a substantial revenue loss for the state government.”

Verma accused the Congress government of implementing the Universal Carton system irresponsibly, causing discomfort and uncertainty among apple growers. He contrasted this with the previous BJP administration, which under the leadership of Horticulture Minister Narendra Bragta, established a robust network of markets across the state. Verma argued that the current government’s neglect threatens the existence of these markets.

Chetan Bragta emphasized the unfairness of the current Apple pricing system under the Universal Carton policy. “Apples should be sold based on quality, but now they are being sold by rate, with arbitrary deductions of 30%, 20%, and 10%. This intolerable decision must be reversed. If the anti-horticulture policy is not withdrawn, the BJP will launch a fierce agitation and, if necessary, will not hesitate to seek legal recourse,” warned Bragta.

Bragta questioned the rationale behind the hurried implementation of the Universal Carton policy, suggesting that the public consider this decision carefully. He pointed out that former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh had allowed a three-year trial period when shifting from wooden boxes to cardboard cartons, indicating that a more gradual approach would have been more appropriate.

The BJP leaders’ statements reflect growing discontent among apple growers and other stakeholders, who fear significant economic losses and disruption to their livelihoods due to the state government’s abrupt policy change. The BJP has called for an immediate review and reversal of the Universal Carton policy to protect the interests of the state’s apple horticulture industry and avoid further revenue loss for Himachal Pradesh.