Shimla – Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla has asserted that Raj Bhavan is not responsible for the delay in appointing Vice Chancellors (VCs) at Agriculture University Palampur and Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) Shimla. Addressing a press conference at Raj Bhavan, Governor Shukla emphasized his commitment to maintaining the dignity of the Governor’s post and adhering to the rules.

The Governor responded to Agriculture Minister Chandra Kumar’s statements criticizing Raj Bhavan for the delay in VC appointments. Governor Shukla clarified that the Agriculture University Amendment Bill 2023 is still pending with the government. Once returned, it will be forwarded for the President’s approval. The appointment issue is also entangled in a legal battle, with a petition filed by Raj Bhavan seeking to lift the court’s stay.

Governor Shukla mentioned that a selection committee for the VC post at Agriculture University has been constituted under the old rules. The appointment will proceed once the court stay is lifted. He also addressed the government’s proposal to appoint a VC based on governmental consent, noting that such a practice is uncommon and would require the President’s approval. Raj Bhavan has raised objections to this proposal and is awaiting a response from the government.

Minister Chandrakumar has repeatedly attributed the delay to Raj Bhavan, but Governor Shukla reiterated that the delay is not due to any inaction on his part. Agriculture Minister Chandra Kumar and Minister Anirudh Singh had discussed the matter with Raj Bhavan, and it was communicated that the file is with the government. Despite this, Minister Chandrakumar continues to express concerns in the press.

Governor Shukla stressed his role as Chancellor and his shared concern for the universities’ welfare. He asserted that the bill would be accepted or rejected based on the universities’ interests, not political considerations. This is the first instance where such a bill has to be sent to the President.

Regarding HPU Shimla, Governor Shukla highlighted that the VC position has been vacant for over a year. Although a selection committee chaired by the Chief Secretary was formed, it has yet to finalize a candidate. A letter has been sent to the Chief Secretary to expedite the process.

Governor Shukla’s statements underscore his commitment to following due process and ensuring that the VC appointments are handled following the established rules and in the best interest of the universities involved.