Shimla – In a decisive move to maintain public order, Shimla District Magistrate Anupam Kashyap issued orders on Tuesday banning public meetings and protests at ten identified locations within the city. The directive, issued under Section 6 of the Punjab State Security Act, 1953, aims to prevent disruptions and ensure peace in the region.

The identified areas where the ban has been imposed include:

  • Chota Shimla to The Ridge and Kennedy House
  • From Rendezvous Restaurant to Rivoli Cinema up to a distance of 150 meters
  • From Scandal Point to Kali Bari Temple
  • Chhota Shimla Gurudwara to Link Road Chhota Shimla Kasumpati Road
  • From Chhota Shimla Chowk to Raj Bhawan to Oak Over
  • Chhota Shimla Gurudwara to footpath towards Kasumpti Road
  • From Cart Road to Majitha House Link Road
  • A.G. Office to Cart Road
  • From the CPWD office to Chaura Maidan
  • From the police booth above the Deputy Commissioner’s office towards Lower Bazaar

This comprehensive ban includes restrictions on holding public meetings, taking out processions and rallies, demonstrating, raising slogans, playing bands, and carrying items that could be used as weapons for criminal purposes. The restrictions apply within a 50-meter radius of the specified locations.

However, the order exempts police, paramilitary, and military personnel from these restrictions. Magistrate Kashyap emphasized the urgency and necessity of this directive, which has been implemented immediately and will remain in effect for the next two months.

“The need to maintain public order is paramount,” said Kashyap. “These measures are essential to prevent any potential disturbances and to ensure the safety and security of the public.”

Residents and visitors in Shimla are advised to comply with the new regulations and avoid organizing or participating in any public gatherings within the restricted zones. Authorities will be monitoring these areas closely to enforce the ban and ensure adherence to the order.