Una’s Mining Check Posts to be Replaced by Flying Squads Amid Inefficiency Concerns

Shimla – The Industry Department has recommended closing the mining check posts established along the borders of Una district, adjoining Punjab. These posts, intended to monitor mining activities and prevent the illegal smuggling of mining materials into Punjab, have been deemed inadequate and ineffective. In light of these concerns, the department proposes the establishment of four flying squads to replace the check posts.

Una district has been a hotspot for mining activities, particularly in the Sombhadra River area near the Punjab border. Illegal mining has led to large-scale smuggling of sand and gravel into Punjab. To address this issue, the state government previously set up mining check posts at strategic points along the border.

However, despite the efforts, these check posts—located at Mehtpur, Bathri, Polian, Pandoga, and Gagret—have failed to curb the illegal activities effectively. Initially, retired employees manned these posts, but staffing issues and a lack of essential equipment, such as weighing machines, have hampered their operations. As a result, many vehicles now use alternative routes that bypass the check posts, further diminishing their effectiveness.

Director of the Industries Department, Rakesh Prajapati, acknowledged the shortcomings of the current system. “Considering the mining check posts inadequate and ineffective, it has been recommended to close them. In their place, it has been recommended to form four flying squad teams,” Prajapati said.

The proposed flying squads aim to provide a more dynamic and responsive approach to monitoring and enforcement. Unlike stationary check posts, these mobile units will be able to patrol various routes and adapt to changing smuggling tactics, thereby enhancing the ability to prevent illegal mining activities.