Shimla — The Himachal Pradesh government has announced a ban on the transfer of teachers based on DO (Demi-Official) notes issued before the Lok Sabha election announcement. This decision aims to ensure the stability of the academic environment during the current school year.

The education department formally notified on Thursday that any transfer applications predating the election announcement will not be considered. This decision followed a detailed discussion during a meeting held at the secretariat, chaired by Education Minister Rohit Thakur.

During the meeting, it was highlighted that many DO notes concerning teacher transfers had been submitted to the education directorate. The Education Minister emphasized that allowing transfers at this time would disrupt the academic session in schools.

“We have decided not to consider transfer applications and DO notes issued before the election announcement,” Thakur said. “This step is crucial to maintaining a consistent learning environment in schools.”

Minister Thakur also revealed plans to limit teacher transfers to once per academic session. Transfers will be confined to teachers who have completed their tenure at a particular location. The specifics of how these transfers will be conducted are currently under review.

In line with this decision, the Education Department issued a directive to all District Deputy Directors and the Directorate’s Transfer Branch, instructing them to halt any transfers based on old DO notes.