Shimla – In a groundbreaking move to enhance educational opportunities for specially-abled individuals, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced today that the state government will establish a ‘Centre of Excellence for Divyangjan Education’ at Kandaghat, Solan district. This pioneering initiative, the first of its kind in the state, aims to provide quality education and comprehensive facilities for Divyang children up to 27 years of age.

The Chief Minister highlighted that a 45-bigha plot of government land in Tikkari village has been identified for the center. Ownership of this land has been transferred to the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, which will oversee the project. The center is designed to accommodate 300 Divyang students, offering them not only education but also playgrounds and residential accommodations.

“The state government is steadfastly committed to completing the project within two years, with adequate funding provisions,” stated CM Sukhu. He added that the Public Works Department (PWD) has been tasked with conducting contour mapping, preparing a Detailed Project Report (DPR), and initiating the tender process once the DPR is ready.

Sukhu also mentioned that the PWD has already begun preparatory work, and the Department of Social Justice and Empowerment has studied various national institute models to identify suitable courses for visually and hearing-impaired students. A committee comprising experts in visual and hearing impairment, along with representatives from the Composite Regional Centre in Sundernagar, has been formed to finalize the center’s modalities.

To ensure the best practices are incorporated into the new center, a visit to the Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities in Chennai is planned. “This visit aims to study the institute’s model and incorporate best practices into the Kandaghat center,” the Chief Minister added.