11-Storey Metropol MLA Residences proposes, 3 dedicated parking floors and 7 residence floor

In a bold move that signals a significant departure from tradition, plans are underway for the redevelopment of Shimla’s iconic Metropol MLAs’ residence buidling. The proposed project, approved in a meeting chaired by Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu, aims to usher in a new era of modernization while grappling with the fragility of Shimla’s unique terrain.

With an estimated cost hovering around 100 crores, the redevelopment initiative seeks to revitalize the Metropol MLA House, a cornerstone of Shimla’s architectural heritage. Central to the proposal is the construction of an imposing 11-storey building, a stark contrast to the quaint charm that defines Shimla’s skyline. This ambitious structure is envisioned to comprise three dedicated parking floors, strategically positioned near Card Road, in addition to seven floors earmarked for MLA residences.

However, amidst the fervour of progress, concerns have been raised regarding the compatibility of such towering structures with Shimla’s delicate ecosystem. The region’s geological vulnerabilities, including the risk of land erosion and seismic activity, cast a shadow of doubt over the feasibility of the project. Environmentalists emphasize the need for stringent environmental assessments to mitigate potential ecological repercussions, urging authorities to prioritize sustainability in the redevelopment plans.

Moreover, the proposal’s deviation from standard building regulations necessitates approval from the state cabinet, underscoring the contentious nature of the initiative. Critics argue that the construction of an 11-storey building poses inherent risks to the region’s structural integrity, warranting a cautious approach in decision-making.

Of particular interest is the inclusion of accommodations for MLA’s Personal Security Officers (PSOs) within the Metropol MLA House, a departure from the convention that raises logistical and spatial challenges.

In navigating the tension between ambition and fragility, Shimla stands at a crossroads, grappling with the imperative to embrace modernization while safeguarding its natural and cultural heritage.