Rohru — The tragic crash of an eleven-year-old HRTC bus on Friday, which resulted in the deaths of four passengers, has sparked an urgent debate over responsibility and accountability. The ageing bus, known for navigating a perilous route with narrow roads and sharp turns, had passed a safety inspection just days before the accident. This incident marks the second time the bus experienced brake failure on this route, previously avoiding disaster thanks to the driver’s quick thinking.

The bus departed from Kuddu for Giltari at 6 a.m. as per its usual schedule. The crash occurred approximately four kilometers into the journey when the bus encountered an oncoming car at a sharp turn. In an attempt to avoid the car, the driver swerved, causing the bus to hit a crush barrier and overturn.

Despite the remote location, local residents quickly arrived to assist with rescue efforts. Survivors were horrified to find the bus had fallen from the upper road to a lower one. While many of the injured were taken to the hospital, four passengers tragically lost their lives at the scene.

The incident has raised significant concerns about the bus’s mechanical integrity. Approximately a year and a half ago, the same bus experienced brake failure while travelling from Giltari to Rohru. At that time, the driver managed to avert a major disaster by steering the bus into a hill, preventing serious injuries to the over thirty passengers on board. Friday’s accident occurred just 500 meters from the previous incident.

Locals are expressing their frustration and anger, particularly given the bus’s age and known mechanical issues. “The possibility of a technical fault in the dilapidated bus cannot be ruled out,” one villager said, echoing the sentiments of many at the scene. The bus, which had just been re-approved for service, was the only transportation option for residents of five villages, after the discontinuation of another bus service from Shimla.

“The Transport Corporation will try to cover up the matter,” another resident remarked, reflecting a growing mistrust in the corporation’s commitment to passenger safety. The residents are calling for a thorough investigation into the causes of the accident and the accountability of those involved in maintaining and approving the bus for service.

As the community mourns the loss of four lives, the pressing question remains: Who is responsible for this avoidable tragedy? The Transport Corporation is under intense scrutiny, and there is a growing demand for answers and accountability to prevent future incidents.