Fresh enrolment started on 1st January; the last date is 31st March
Shimla: For providing the cashless treatment coverage, the State Government has implemented the Himachal Health Care Scheme (HIMCARE). Himachal Pradesh has accomplished this ambitious plan of implementing a digitalized health care programme successfully.
Under the HIMCARE more than 5.50 lakh families have been registered and are eligible for receiving free medical treatment facility.

HIMCARE provides cashless treatment coverage of up to Rs. 5.00 lakh per year per family, which is being provided on a family floater basis. As many as 65,533 people amounting to Rs. 60.66 crore have been treated cashless under this vibrant scheme.
Nearly 200 health institutions are registered to avail benefits of this scheme which includes 56 private hospitals and PGI Chandigarh. From 1st January 2020, new e-cards are being issued by the Government. Serious diseases like cancer, paralysis, muscular dystrophy, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer and many others are also covered under this scheme.
The State Government has started fresh enrolment on 1st January 2020 under the scheme, so that more people can avail benefits of cashless treatment coverage and under fresh enrolment, 25 thousand families have been registered so far. The last date for enrolling in this scheme is 31st March 2020. The beneficiary can apply through the online system directly by visiting or through Lok Mitra Kendra/Common Service Centers for enrollment and uploading relevant documents under the scheme.
This e-Health Care initiative has the vision to deliver better health outcomes in terms of accessibility, quality, affordability and efficient monitoring of health entitlements to citizens.
Such Government scheme promises an increase in health care efficiency, by decreasing costs. Increasing efficiency not only reduces the expenses but at the same time improves the ‘Health’ quality. Ultimately a trust bond is in making in between the HP Government, the patients and the health professionals.