The HPU High Powered Committee constituted by the State Government on the issue of fee has invited suggestions from stakeholders and general public.

Prof. Mohan Jharta, Registrar, HPU and Secretary, High Power Committee, in a press statement stated that the suggestions can be sent up to 5.00 p.m. on 9th October, 2014 in the office of the Committee at Himachal Pradesh Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Commission, Majitha House Complex, Chotta Shimla-171002.

The suggestions can also be sent through Fax on phone number 01772930912 or through e-mail on registrar.hpu@gmail.com.

Prof. Jharta has requested all the stakeholders and general public to adhere to this timeline. However, stakeholders and general public can also appear before the Committee in person or through their representatives, to supplement their views and suggestions in the office of the Regulatory Commission on 10th October, 2014 at 10.30 a.m.