As the Lok Sabha elections approach, Himachal Pradesh’s electoral machinery is operating at full throttle to ensure a seamless and inclusive democratic process. Chief Electoral Officer Manish Garg has directed a concerted effort towards enrolling new voters and distributing Voter Identity Cards (EPIC) on time.

Since May 10, 2023, a staggering influx of 1,81,509 new voters has been recorded, reflecting a vibrant democracy in action. The surge in new registrations underscores the growing participation of citizens in shaping the future of the state and the nation.

To accommodate this influx of new voters, the Election Commission has mobilized resources to expedite the enrollment process. District Election Officers have been tasked with streamlining procedures and ensuring that every eligible citizen is empowered with the right to vote.

Simultaneously, efforts to distribute Voter Identity Cards (EPIC) have been intensified, with 1,67,135 cards already handed out to registered voters. These EPIC cards serve as crucial documents, enabling voters to exercise their democratic rights with ease and confidence.

Chief Electoral Officer Manish Garg has emphasized the significance of these efforts, highlighting the pivotal role they play in upholding the principles of democracy. He has called upon election officials to leave no stone unturned in their mission to facilitate voter registration and EPIC distribution.

In addition to enrolling new voters and distributing EPIC cards, the Election Commission has also prioritized the accessibility and efficiency of polling stations. Directives have been issued to provide essential amenities such as ramps, toilets, and clean drinking water facilities at all polling stations, ensuring a comfortable and dignified voting experience for every citizen.

As the election machinery swings into action, the focus remains squarely on promoting voter engagement, inclusivity, and transparency. With each new voter enrolled and EPIC card distributed, Himachal Pradesh moves one step closer to realizing the democratic aspirations of its citizens.