Shimla – Himachal Pradesh Transport Corporation (HRTC) is witnessing a remarkable turnaround, with earnings increasing by a record 37.5% in August 2024. The corporation, which has been transitioning from loss to profit, saw its income rise to Rs 70 crore this August, up from Rs 51 crore last year. In 2022, the earnings for the same month were Rs 58 crore, indicating a steady upward trajectory.

The significant growth in revenue can be attributed to initiatives, including setting monthly income targets for all HRTC depots and closely monitoring each route. Rationalization of routes has also played a crucial role in reducing losses, further boosting the corporation’s financial health.

HRTC Managing Director Rohan Thakur expressed confidence in the corporation’s continued growth, stating, “The corporation’s earnings have increased by a record 37.5 percent in August. Our efforts to cut unnecessary expenses and boost income have resulted in this significant revenue increase. We have set a target to raise the corporation’s revenue to Rs 80 crore this financial year.”

One of the key factors contributing to the revenue spike has been the uninterrupted operation of most HRTC routes, even during the challenging rainy season. Buses were operated via transshipment on routes where landslides had blocked roads, ensuring that services continued with minimal disruption. In contrast, in previous years, routes would remain closed for weeks after such incidents. As a result of this proactive approach, HRTC has earned Rs 48 crore more in the first five months (April-August) of the 2024 financial year compared to the same period last year.

The increase in earnings has also enabled HRTC to address critical operational challenges. The corporation has been able to make timely payments to spare parts dealers and diesel suppliers, which has significantly reduced the frequency of bus breakdowns and diesel shortages. Additionally, the introduction of a new ticket management system has enhanced passenger convenience, allowing fares to be paid via UPI, debit card, and credit card. The inventory management system implemented in HRTC workshops has also helped in effective cost management by curbing unnecessary purchases of spare parts and equipment.

The financial stability of HRTC is further reflected in the timely disbursement of salaries to its employees. For the past nine months, 11,000 employees have received their salaries on the first day of each month, a stark contrast to the previous delays of 10 to 15 days.