In response to the rising drug abuse in Himachal Pradesh, a comprehensive campaign targeting this menace is set to be launched across the state. This initiative will be spearheaded by the Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (RD&PR) under the guidance of Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla. The campaign aims to engage local communities, particularly through Panchayati Raj institutions and Block Development Committee (BDC) members, to combat drug addiction at the grassroots level.

Governor Shukla, during a meeting at Raj Bhavan with RD&PR Minister Anirudh Singh and other officials, emphasized the critical role of the RD&PR department in not only spearheading developmental projects at the village level but also in addressing social issues like drug abuse. “A joint effort by the Panchayati Raj and Education departments is essential to curb the drug menace in the state,” Shukla remarked, drawing attention to the successful year-long anti-drug campaign in Una district as a model for statewide implementation.

The Governor directed the RD&PR department to prepare a detailed report within ten days, outlining the strategy for the campaign, which will be rolled out in phases across the state. The involvement of various line departments, including education and police, will be crucial for the campaign’s success. “There is an urgent need to raise awareness at the rural level through video messages and IEC (Information, Education, and Communication) material,” Shukla added, underscoring the importance of community involvement in tackling the issue.

Minister Anirudh Singh expressed full support for the Governor’s initiative, assuring that the state government is committed to making Himachal Pradesh drug-free. He highlighted the need for legal reforms concerning drug abuse and emphasized that the campaign would be executed effectively with the involvement of Deputy Commissioners across the state.